

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one most adaptable to change.- Charles Darwin


ynagirl, at her core, is about evolution. She began life as a secondary character that we fully intended to kill off in the pages of Fallen Justice. During the writing process I began to see potential in her character staying alive, and even becoming the focus of Fallen Justice, the conscience if you will. The story shifted, evolved, and became what we eventually released, and Dynagirl lived. Changed, but alive.

Now she has become something else entirely, both for us as creators, but also as a character. She spent several years as the lead character of her own webcomic, and garnered no small amount of attention in that arena. We had a blast telling her story in that format, getting nearly instant feedback and response from the thousands of fans who were reading her adventures. The webcomic was always done long form in regular comic page style because the ultimate plan was to compile and print trade paperbacks as we went.

But Dynagirl was not the only one who evolved. My partner in crime Harold Edge and I were both entering new levels of relationships when Dynagirl got started. We were both married and then very quickly started having kids with our respective wives. Anyone with kids understands the time constraints that come with them, and while we took those things on willingly, something would eventually have to give, and that was ultimately the comic production. Changes in employment, and some well intended but ultimately devastating website maintenance on my part brought the whole thing crashing down. And so we moved on with life. Raising boys is something we both take very seriously and they don’t take less time as they grow older, but more! Now we play catch instead of change diapers, we play chess rather than rock them to sleep. We, as dads, evolve.

And the wheel turns, as it should. Time passed, and my oldest son pulled a copy of Fallen Justice out of a box in the garage and asked me if he could read it. I said sure, and hours later he came back and asked me very seriously where the rest of it was. I explained that there was some more and I had those issues somewhere, and it became a treasure hunt to find them. After he got done with those, he returned again with the same question: “Where’s the rest?” The kid asks tough questions! But his point is well taken. We left chips on the table and story in the can. Maybe it was time to break that out again, shake off the dust, and see if we couldn’t catch lightning in the bottle one more time.

So here we are. Red Handed Studios is back, and better than ever! We’re bringing new stories, revitalizing our existing library, and putting everything out for folks to get their hands on as we get the production machine revved up again. The first two Dynagirl trade paperbacks are available for sale right now here, and the third one, with several never before seen stories is coming soon! The super hero single mom is back in a big way folks, join us on this new journey!

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